Spa Marvel Maintenance Program

Spa Marvel Maintenance Program


Hi There ... This is Dale, the owner of NiftyStuff Distribution. I have personally been using Spa Marvel in our hot tub since 2010.  Below is the Spa Marvel Maintenance Program I have developed since I started using Spa Marvel Hot Tub Treatment.  It takes all of 10 or 15 minutes every second week. 

As I mentioned, I have used Spa Marvel since 2010 in our hot tub.  I have not used any chlorine or bromine in my hot tub in that time.  My skin is extremely sensitive and breaks out in a major rash with even the slightest amount of chemicals.

My bi-weekly routine is very simple: swap out filters.  (The filter I remove goes into a bucket of water with two capfuls of Spa Marvel Filter Cleaner.  Remove after a couple days and rinse thoroughly.  Let dry, ready for next filter swap.) 

I highly recommend you have two sets of hot tub filters so you can have one set soaking in Spa Marvel Filter Cleaner while the clean set is in the hot tub.  This will make your maintenance so much easier.

I can't overemphasize the importance of soaking your filters in Spa Marvel Filter Cleaner for a minimum of 2 days after being swapped out.  Spa Marvel relies very heavily on filtration and clean filters. Make sure your hot tub is set to filter the water at least 8 hours a day.  If your hot tub ever gets a musty smell, it will probably be the filters harbouring the ordours.  After a year my filters look almost as white as the day I bought them.  Just rinsing your filters with water does not effectively clean your filters.  Be sure to check out my article on Spa Marvel Filter Cleanser Instructions.

Top up the hot tub water.

(Optional) (Please note: I periodically use bleach as a mini-shock because my skin is so sensitive to chlorine and bromine.  PLEASE NOTE: Spa Marvel Company recommends using a tablespoon a non-chlorine shock (potassium monopersulphate).  My wife insists the hot tub be sparkling clear at ALL  times, so, if it ever gets cloudy for any reason, I simply add 1.5 cups of plain, ordinary bleach.  This acts as a mini shock.  Bleach has a very low amount of chlorine which gases off in a matter of an hour or two.  I usually run the pumps on high for one or two cycles, weather permitting, then close the tub for the night.  Next morning testing the water will show zero chlorine or bromine levels and the hot tub will be crystal clear. 

If we have a hot tub party with many guests, I'll add the 1.5 cups of bleach before I close the hot tub for the night.  Spa Marvel will clear any cloudiness but being a natural product, it can take a couple days.

I reiterate, using bleach is not recommended by The Spa Marvel Company, the manufacturer of Spa Marvel.  They recommend using a non-chlorine shock (potassium monopersulphate).  Unless your skin is super sensitive to chemical as mine is, your best bet is to use a non-chlorine shock.

This has worked for me for many years now.  My bi-weekly maintenance routine takes all of 15 minutes.  My tub is always crystal clear and I no longer get any rash from harsh chemicals in my hot tub.  I drain and refill my hot tub in early spring and again in late fall.  I add Spa Marvel Cleanser to my existing hot tub water a few days before my spring drain/refill.  If I plan on refilling my hot tub on the weekend, I'll remove the filters and add Spa Marvel Hot Tub Cleanser on the Tuesday or Wednesday before.   This is to make sure all mineral buildup is removed from the plumbing and heater elements. 

If you have a Softub or other low circulation hot tub, please read the information and view the video on our webpage.  You must be aware of how these hot tubs work to get the most satisfactory results from Spa Marvel Treatment.

I hope this helps.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss the use of SpaMarvel, please feel free to give me a call.  I'm always happy to give a helping hand.  If I don't have the answer, I can call Tim Rodger, the owner of SpaMarvel and get the answers.

Bye for now ... Dale


If you have any questions regarding the use of Spa Marvel Filter Cleaner, please feel free to contact us.

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Written by: Dale R. Farrier -- President --   NiftyStuff Distribution is a division of D.R. Farrier Holdings Ltd.

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